Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (2024)

Table of Contents
Play and earn! BodyPump Cat Gold Miner Hamster Kombat Content Chapter 1. Valley of the Guardians. 1.1. ancient portalLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. How to remove snow in a hole 1.2. Forest pathLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 1.3. edge of the forestLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide 1.4. Maaron's hutLost Lands 5. Where to look Chapter 2. Dwarven Dungeon 2.1. Stronghold ruinsLost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the puzzle 2.2. CatacombsLost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description 2.3. Folnur's dwellingLost Lands 5. How to assemble rails 2.4. End of the caveLost Lands 5. How to get through Chapter 3. Ice mountains 3.1. Exit to the mountainsLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 3.2. Mountgor PlateauLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 3.3. GorgeLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide 3.4. giant parking lotLost Lands 5. How to get through Chapter 4. Temple 4.1. CryptLost Lands 5 Walkthrough 4.2. TempleLost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description 4.3. First Generation WallLost Lands 5. How to get the rune 4.4. death peakLost Lands 5. How to get through Chapter 5. Darkshire 5.1. thicketLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 5.2. old ontusLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 5.3. lonely rockLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide 5.4. goblin caveLost Lands 5. How to get through 5.5. misty lakeLost Lands 5 5.6. fairy gladeLost Lands 5. What to draw Chapter 6. Museum 6.1. Museum courtyardLost Lands 5. Where to find 6.2. ArchiveLost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description 6.3. First floorLost Lands 5. All Secrets 6.4. Security roomLost Lands 5. How to get through 6.5. Third floorLost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the game step by step 6.6. ShowroomLost Lands 5 6.7. ShopLost Lands 5. Endgame Bonus Chapter 1. Ruins of the StrongholdLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 2. Peasant estateLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough 3. Court of MaaronLost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide 4. Maaron's hutLost Lands 5. Bonus 5. BattlefieldLost Lands 5 6. Fort 7. TowerLost Lands 5. How to get through 8. Entrance to the treasuryLost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the puzzle 9. River near the tractLost Lands 5. How to get through 10. End of the riverLost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description 11. Druid Village 12. Lookout HillLost Lands 5. Bonus. What to do Bonus game Achievements (21) References

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Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (1)


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Passage of game Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell 100%. All secrets, puzzles, mini-games, collectibles and achievements in one place.

Games series: Lost Lands

Wasteland Challenge: How well do you know the world of Fallout?10 questionsI will answer everything!
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (4)
1. Dark lord
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (5)
2. Fourrider
3. Damnedgold4. Wanderer
5. Icy spell6. Errorsof the past7. Atonementwe


General information. Walkthrough:

  1. Valley of the Guardians.
  2. Dwarf Dungeon.
  3. Ice mountains.
  4. Temple.
  5. Darkwood.
  6. Museum.
  7. Bonus chapter. Bonus.
  8. Achievements. Questions.

Lost Lands 5. Ice Spell (Lost Lands 5)- Adventure game with fantasy world, engage in the passage of a fascinating story with the search for objects and solving puzzles. The main character Susan is involved in the complex problems of another world. Snow, Ice and the deadly wind blowing from the Ice Mountains! These are the Lost Lands that Susan had never seen before, and only her burning heart could withstand the misfortune. The cold came to the Lost Lands ice spell in the middle of summer. People hide inside, trying to warm their homes. All living things are frozen, all the flowers are gone, the crops are dead, and the birds are running for their lives. The old people say, "The spirit of the Ice Mountains has awakened." But no one expects the cause to be dug deep into the ancient history of the Lost Lands when the world was young. And yet, an ancient power has been awakened by the common people of our world. The wizard Maaron summoned the only connection between both worlds - Susan. Dress warmly because during the passage it will be cold. Explore in the game Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell, more than 40 exciting locations, go through over 40 different puzzles, and look for items in the most unexpected places.

Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (11)

Chapter 1. Valley of the Guardians.

1.1. ancient portal
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. How to remove snow in a hole

New adventures began with the fact that an artifact horn was delivered to the museum, the night guard accidentally activated it, and from this an ice giant came to life in the Lost Lands. Wizard Maaron immediately summoned Susan to his world. We will find ourselves in snow-covered versions of already familiar locations.

Secret. Top left, hanging on top of a cliff icicle (1/8).

Secret. Bottom right, near the cliff stands ghost barrel (1/30).

A. Ahead is a staircase littered with snow, we take a sharp stone from it.

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B. On the right we inspect the bag, cut it with a stone. Inside is a note, a cape, a key to Maaron's hut, a shovel.

C. Remove the snow from the stairs in the center with a shovel, solve the puzzle.

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D.E. It is necessary to move all the snowdrifts into the pit below. To achieve this, you need to complete it in less than 60 moves. We click on the cell, and all neighboring snowdrifts will move aside. If some snowdrift is in the corner, then you can’t get it anymore, you need to “reload” it in the lower left part of the screen. First, we throw off the closest snowdrifts, and then the farthest ones.

FG. Having completed the task, we raise the stairs, we pass on.

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Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (15)

1.2. Forest path
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. On the left is a statue, sitting on a tree above it owl (1/8).

Secret. In the lower right corner, between the rocks ghost cone (2/30).

H. On the left we remove the snow from the stump, find a rag, snowshoes.

I. Use snowshoes to get through the deep snow ahead.

When we go forward, we will be knocked down by an ice wolf, we will see a thing under the ice.

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J. There are ice wolves in the way. We are waiting for them to turn their heads far back, only at this moment we can run forward. We pass through 4 such screens. To achieve this, you need to pass without errors from the 1st time.

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1.3. edge of the forest
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide

Secret. Sitting on the left stone portal owl (2/8).

Secret. To the left, behind the root of the tree lies a dark ghost object (3/30).

K. There is a club near the stump. We wrap it with a cloth, we get a blank torch.

L. Use the key to enter Maaron's house.

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1.4. Maaron's hut
Lost Lands 5. Where to look

Secret. In the upper left corner is ghost object (4/30).

Secret. Under the right wall lies blue stained glass (1/7).

M. On the right near the wall we take a wooden pole, an ax.

N. In the far left corner you need to find 10 items:

1. Long stick - stands to the right of the window. Apply on the hook from above.

2. Wand - on the left in the display case, you need a key. On the table in the center.

3. Crystal - on the right in the hatch, you need a handle. to the center table.

4. Symbol - on the left in the display case. Below in the box we insert into the book.

5. Key - on the right in the hatch, you need a handle.

6. Long hook - stick on the right, hook on top.

7. Handle - in the clock, you need a pointer, a hint. On the mechanism below.

8. Pointer - in the center on the table. On the clock on the top right.

9. Mirror - downstairs in a drawer. to the center table.

10. Hint - at the bottom of the drawer, you need a symbol. On the clock on the top right.

After completing everything, charge the wand on the table, you get a magic wand.

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O. Right on the corner chest of drawers manuscript (1/13). In the drawers we shift clothes, we find a bag of coins. Unfold, inside 12 kyolli.

P. On the left on the table we read a note, we take an oven mitt, a book of spells. We put the magic wand on the table.

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Q. We return to the path, on the left we will chop chips with an ax.

R. In front of the house, on the right, use a wooden pole to get a pot of snow.

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S. We put the pot in the fireplace, throw wood chips, fan the fire with furs. With a mitten we take a pot of boiling water.

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T. On the forest path, pour boiling water on the ice, get the key.

U. To the left of the hut, unlock the gate with this key.

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1.5. Halfling Village

Secret. Bottom left, standing on rocks ghostly flask (5/30).

Secret. Bottom right, on the corner of the fence left mittens (1/7).

V. Hanging on the bulletin board manuscript (2/13), announcement, awl.

W. Ahead we examine the ruins of the portal, we take a fragment of runestone.

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X. On the right we enter the Nomianna's Pumpkin shop. There is not enough money yet.

Y. We speak with Nomianna, she will give us Maaron's cryptex.

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Z. In the hut we put the cryptex on the corner cabinet, enter the specified password.

A. From the device we will get the part from the mechanism, the figure of the figurine.

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B. Apply the drawing to the figurine, place the hands in the same way.

C. The top drawer will open, inside is the 2nd runestone shard.

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D. Put all 3 stone fragments on the table on the left.

E. In the spell book, turn over to the spell “Connection”. We repeat the drawn pattern with a stick. Combine the fragments, you get a runestone.

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F. In front of the house, on the right, insert the rune into the recess, the portal will turn on.

G. Through the teleport we will move to the tower on the horizon.

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Chapter 2. Dwarven Dungeon

In the halfling village, I went to a store owned by the friendly Nomianna. I learned that winter in the Lost Lands is not winter at all. More precisely, it is real, but not timely. Suddenly, everything around was frozen and covered with snow. Maaron assembled an expedition of druids and traveled to the Frozen Mountains, where the source of the problem appears to be.

2.1. Stronghold ruins
Lost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the puzzle

Secret. Hanging on the middle branch on the right ghost fruit (6/30).

Secret. Bottom left, near the chain lies icicle (2/8).

H. To the left of the column we take the energy sphere.

I. We insert the sphere into the chest of the human statue, we get a vial of essence. We examine the instructions, it will be the poison of the basilisk.

J. Right cart, use the awl to untie the knot. The cart will fail.

Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (30)

K. We inspect the breach, on the left we drop the fabric, like a ladder. We're going down.

L. At the bottom of the body we tear off the luminous mushrooms, we take 10 coins from the bag.

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M. We go to the store, for 15 coins we buy a pickaxe.

N. In the catacombs, on the left, we remove the rings from the barrel, inside the frozen resin, knock it out with a pickaxe, we get a bucket of resin.

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O. We go to the hut, put the resin in the fireplace, dip the stick with the cloth there, we get a torch.

P. We return to the catacombs, set fire to the rope with a torch, turn on the light.

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2.2. Catacombs
Lost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description

Secret. Below, to the left of the center lies green ghost gem (7/30).

Secret. Top in the center, on the rock lies purple stained glass (2/7).

Q. In the center we select the wheel from the cart.

RS. On the left we remove the fabric, under it you need to find 10 items:

1. Figurine of a rooster - we examine a bag of potatoes, on the left. On a suitcase.

2. Shard of glass - take it by breaking the bottle. To the left on the ropes of the box.

3. Tumbler - bottom left in the basket. We insert into the chest under the boards.

4. Pig figurine - in the center under the boards, you need a saw. On a suitcase.

5. Half of the tongs - on the right side of the chest. For a bag of potatoes.

6. Rabbit figurine - in the box on the left, you need tongs, glass. On a suitcase.

7. Saw - in the box on the left, you need tongs, glass. On the boards in the center.

8. Hint - inside the bottle, you need a stone.

9. Stone - to the right of the bottle. Use to break the bottle.

10. Forceps - half right, half top. To the box on the left.

Enter the password under the boards in the chest: 8 flowers, 5 birds, 7 apples.

In the suitcase on the right we find a letter, Nomianna's box (6 coins).

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T. Ahead we push the cart, it will rest against a wooden barricade.

U. Find wire cutters under the cart. We insert the wheel into the winch mechanism, twist the rope, the cart will return to its place.

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V. On the left, cut the grate with wire cutters, the stones will fall under the trolley.

W. We inspect the trolley, we load stones into it, we take a bloody stone.

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XY. We push the loaded cart, it will break through the wooden wall. We enter.

Z. In the darkness we will fall into a trap, we will meet the dwarf Folnur. We get 6 coins.

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2.3. Folnur's dwelling
Lost Lands 5. How to assemble rails

Secret. Top, left of center, on the pipe ghost chest (8/30).

Secret. Top right, hanging on the pipe mittens (2/7).

A. On the right side of the chest take blacksmith tongs.

B. We examine the fallen trolley, move the stones, find the lever, insert it.

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C. A train will appear on the rails, we inspect its furnace, we need fuel.

D. On the panel with chains, you need to assemble a model of the railway.

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E. Start building from the bottom right corner. There are 2 parts that are similar but different in length. We lead the way up to the right, down to the left, and to the exit.

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F. Left on the alchemy table manuscript (3/13), empty flask.

G. Before the train, use the flask on the puddle, collect cave tears.

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HI. 1) Open the stove, kindle with a torch. 2) Read the recipe on the right. 3) Pour water from the jug into the flask.

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J. 4) Put glowing mushrooms into the flask. 5) Red stone in the threshing machine on the left. 6) Turn the handle. 7-8) Take the ground stone with a spoon. 9) On the right we put a bottle of cave tears.

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K. 10) Open the flask, pour into the vial. 11) Add basilisk poison. Get all-burning acid.

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L. We rise to the tower, pour acid on the grate on the left.

M. Behind the bars, let's start searching for 10 items:

1. Boards - on the right we examine the pyramid, on the right. To the stairs.

2. Crystal - in the hatch on the top right, stairs, lamp. Left to the panel.

3. The key is on the right in the pyramid, you need a circle, a hint. We enter the password.

4. Stone circle - in the center, on the lever panel. To the pyramid on the right.

5. Lamp - on the left, put it on the panel, use a magnifying glass. Into the darkness on the right.

6. Ladder - at the bottom, add boards, rope. On the hatch on the top right.

7. Magnifying glass - on the right side of the pyramid. Use on the left to light the lamp.

8. Hint - on the left of the panel, you need a crystal. To the pyramid on the right.

9. Lever - in the center, under the lying stairs. On the top center panel.

10. Rope - top left, behind the red cloth. On the stairs, with boards.

N. Enter into the pyramid: waves, 8, N. Take the chitonite from the chest.

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O. We go to the train, throw chitonite into the oven. We set fire to the torch.

P. We can ride the train ahead.

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2.4. End of the cave
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

Secret. Top left, in the 2nd window is red stained glass (3/7).

Secret. On the central rock, on top lies ghost board (9/30).

Q. To the left of the ice we get the 1st part from the mechanism.

R. We take out the dagger from the wolf. Nearby in the bag are 8 coins, a detail from the mechanism.

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S. We go to the store, we give the box to the saleswoman for 6 coins.

T. For 25 coins we buy a winter coat, only in it we can go further.

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U. We go to the end of the cave, on the right you need to collect the destroyed steps.

V. Take the stones below, put them on the green areas.

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W. Top panel manuscript (4/13). Insert 2 gears into the left side of the panel. We insert the lever into the center, turn all 4 levers. Press the big knob on the right.

X. Open the way to the exit, rise to the surface.

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Chapter 3. Ice mountains

Blizzard - An ancient mythical beast that lives at the very peaks of the Ice Mountains. A characteristic feature of Blizzard is powerful horns lined up along the spine from the very top of the skull to the tail. The most valuable horns are those that are closer to the head, that is, the largest. They once served as the basis for the Horns of the Elements. The last Blizzard died a long time ago on a mountain top outside the First Generation Wall.

3.1. Exit to the mountains
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. Above, to the left of the center hangs a luminous icicle (3/8).

Secret. Bottom left, on an inclined wall lies ghost feather (10/30).

Y. There is a frozen rider in the clearing, use a torch on him, he will thaw.

Z. We examine the fallen rider, take the key from his chest, insert the key into the bag on the horse. From the bag we get the element “lightning”, a flask with rum. We give the flask to the rider, he opens his hand, we take the charged staff.

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AB. On the left we use the staff on the ice barrier, we pass.

C. Meet Maaron, his squad has driven Frost Tarsas to a standstill. Now you need to activate 3 stones in front. Maaron will give us the “flame” element.

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3.2. Mountgor Plateau
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. On the left behind the branches of the bush sits owl (3/8).

Secret. Bottom left, under the stones lies ghostly skull (11/30).

D. Look at the flag on the top left, there is a hint to the statue on it.

E. On the right under the ice is a man, we take from him manuscript (5/13), on the left we take a vial of sulfur from the bag, on the right we cut the hook from the belt with a knife.

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F. We return, on the right on the ground we dig out a plate, under it is a skeleton. Pull out the giant's tooth with forceps.

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G. We go to the store, we give the tooth to the saleswoman, we get 30 coins.

H. For 30 coins we buy a rope. We attach the hook.

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I. We go to the Forest path, enter the code from the flag into the statue on the left: O.7.

J. Inside the statue, you need to solve the crystal puzzle.

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K. Blue stones illuminate 9 red stones around. We arrange them so that all the red stones begin to glow. We take part of the key.

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L. Let's go to the mountains. On the right we hit a high rock, the dwarf will help us.

M. On a slippery mountain we throw a rope with a hook, we can climb.

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3.3. Gorge
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide

Secret. Bottom left, on the stairs ghost leg (12/30).

Secret. In the middle, on a stone under the bridge lies stained glass (4/7).

N. There is a halberd near the statue on the top left. The dwarf will give us the core.

O. On the right we hit the dark stones with a halberd, a chest will fall out.

P. In chest: manuscript (6/13), small bag, 35 coins, pickaxe. Under the chest we take the smallest piece of coal.

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Q. We go to the store, for 35 coins we buy saltpeter. We'll get mittens.

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R. We go to the Dwelling of Folnur, on the left we remove the remains, put the coal in the thresher, twist.

STU. Pour the resulting powder with a spoon into a bag, you get coal. We examine the core, take out the instruction. We fall asleep inside 2 heaps of coal, open a jar of saltpeter, add to the core. Get a bomb.

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V. We go into the gorge, put the core under the statue on the left, set it on fire with a torch.

W. The statue will fall, let's walk on it like a bridge. On the right is a cube.

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3.4. giant parking lot
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

Secret. On the upper platform of the skull, on the left corner hangs icicle (4/8).

Secret. On the left, in the middle of the big horn is ghost pattern (13/30).

Secret. Right on the pyramid manuscript (7/13).

X. In front of the large skull, examine the snow, collect the 2nd part of the key, 4 + 3 coins, fang (4/4).

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Y. Under the skull, inspect the pillar, insert fangs, hammer with a pickaxe.

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Z. On the top of the hatch you need to break the lock. We take the key from below, move it as far as possible to the right, then turn it until all the pins line up.

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A. There are 10 items to find inside the skull:

1. Tile 1 - on the left, we will get it with a winch. On top of the box.

2. Club - under the right pillar. We knock out a spear on the right.

3. Part of the key 2 - top right in the chest, you need the key. To the cell.

4. Hook - hangs on the left above the bags. To the left on the winch rope.

5. Gear - inspect the center, move the straw. On the winch on the left.

6. Part of the key 2 - in the box on top, you need 2 tiles. To the cell.

7. Hook - near the right pillar. We cling to the hanging ladder in the center.

8. Key - in the box on top, 2 tiles are needed. On the chest on the right.

9. Tile 2 - in the center under the tooth, you need a spear. On top of the box.

10. Spear - on the right in the castle, we knock it out with a club. In the center, take out the tooth.

From the birdcage we will get the “dome” element.

B. In inventory, combine 2 parts of the key, you will get the key to the book. We go to the Entrance to the mountains, insert the key into the book of the skeleton, inside we will find manuscript (8/13), hint.

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C. We go to the plateau, insert the element of lightning and a hint into the left altar.

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DEF. Solution for the left altar.

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G. In the middle altar we insert the “dome” element.

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HIGK. Solution for the middle altar.

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M. Insert the element of fire into the right altar.

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NOP. Solution for the right altar.

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P. The monster will be under the dome. We speak with Maaron, he will instruct to find two horns in order to finally defeat Tarsas. Get the item from Folnur's chest, fiery scepter.

Q. We go to the End of the Cave, hit the red puddle under the head of the wolf with a pickaxe, we get the blood of the ice wolf.

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R. We go to the train, insert the key on the right, take part of the key from the chest, a tile with a hint, 11 coins.

S. We go down, add tiles to the wall on the left, solve the puzzle.

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T. You need to arrange 3 pyramids in the same way as on the hint above. To do this, we can put parts on the shelves on the left and right. Solution:

(CA) - (DC) - (AC), (BA) - (DE) - (BD) - (BD),

(EB) - (DB) - (DB) - (DE), - (BD) - (BD) - (AD) - (EB).

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Chapter 4. Temple

Cult of the dwarven gods, abbot of an underground temple. The duties of Buldan also include the maintenance of the crypt at the temple. The crown of the crypt is the sarcophagus of an old ancestor of Buldan. This ancestor was a member of the Order of the Madmen and, in particular, took part in the Tarsas project and was responsible for the creation of the Horns of the Elements. Especially for this, a workshop was built near the temple, where the Horns were made.

4.1. Crypt
Lost Lands 5 Walkthrough

UV. After the decision, we will go into a dark room, use a torch.

W. We will see a huge scalapendra. She must be defeated with a fire spell. We can create 3 fire barriers on the field, with their help you need to drive the enemy into any corner. The solution is random. We repeat 3 times.

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Secret. Under the left central column lie mittens (3/7).

Secret. Above, on the right center column ghost pattern (14/30).

X. Ahead in front of the door we take the rune.

Y. On the left we look into the hole, take the saw. With a dagger we cut off the eggs of the centipede from the wall. Don't pick up the bag yet.

Z. On the right we examine the insect, cut off the sting of the centipede with a dagger.

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A. On the left, use the sting on the stiff hand, and it will release the bag. Inside the bag we find 16 coins, part of the pattern. The empty bag will remain with us.

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B. In the center we examine the sarcophagus, take part of the key from it.

C. Insert part of the pattern into the recess in the center. We go to the door.

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4.2. Temple
Lost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description

Secret. On the right statue of the dwarf, on the hammer lies ghost object (15/30).

Secret. On the right blue column lies a blue stained glass (5/7).

D. On the table on the left we take a coil, a needle.

E. On the left wall, click on the symbol, in the cache we take manuscript (9/13), 12 coins, recipe, prophesy gunpowder.

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F. We pour the powder on the altar in the center, the priest Buldan will come to us. He will tell how his ancestors created the frosty Tarsas, give the basis of the key. Immediately insert it into the central blue stream.

G. We go to the store, for 45 coins we buy a souvenir of the dwarves.

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H. Open the spell book, select "destruction".

I. Draw a symbol with a stick. From the souvenir we will get part of the key.

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J. We go to the Temple, we insert all parts of the key into the blue stream. You will get a multi-colored part of the sarcophagus.

K. Go down, insert the colored part into the central recess.

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L. On the key, you need to arrange all the colored circles in the same way as on the paper clue on the bottom right. You can turn the valves, shift the center, rotate the disk clockwise or counterclockwise. Solution:

(D right) – (A vs x4) – (D left) – (A vs) – (D left) – (C) –

(A vs. x3) - (C) - (A vs. x3) - (D right) - (B) - (A vs. x3) - (B) -

(A vs. x2) - (B) - (A vs. x4) - (B) - (A vs. x3) - (B) - (A vs. x3) - (B) -

(A to x2) – (B) – (A to x2) – (C) – (A to x2) – (C) – (A vs) – (C) –

Take from the sarcophagus manuscript (10/13), a piece of tapestry.

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M. We go to the temple, to the left wall. We examine the mittens, add a coil to them, cut off the knots with a dagger, dissolve the mittens into threads, add a needle. Get a thread with a needle.

N. We put the threads on a stool, arrange the pieces of tapestry. You need to move them, hold them in the right place for a couple of seconds, only then sew them.

Seeing the finished tapestry, the priest Buldan will say that we need to create a fiery giant from another horn. Let's get a recipe for coolness. You need to make a potion to get past the priest's trap.

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O. We put the recipe on the alchemy table on the right. There are already 3 ingredients here, you need to add 2 of your own: centipede eggs, ice wolf blood. We fill all 5 elements into the recesses, close the lids, knock on them with a pickaxe. Get the elixir of composure.

P. We go to the Gorge. We use the elixir on the passage on the left, we can enter.

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4.3. First Generation Wall
Lost Lands 5. How to get the rune

Secret. Top left, on the rock ghost object (16/30).

Secret. Top right, hanging under the rock icicle (5/8).

Q. In the center we examine the destroyed tents, we are looking for 10 items:

1. Sledgehammer - a stone in a tent, you need a stick, a rope. On the crystals on the right.

2. Detail 1 - in the center on fire, you need a bowler hat, crystals. per cube.

3. Note - on the right in the chest, you need a key.

4. Detail 2 - on the right in the chest, you need a key. per cube.

5. Key - examine the cube, on the right. On the chest on the right manuscript (11/13).

6. Knife - in the left tent. Let's cut the ice on the right tent.

7. Rope - on the left, under the bowler hat. On the stone on the left, you need a stick.

8. Stick - in the right tent, you need a knife. On the stone in the left tent.

9. Crystals - on the right, you need a sledgehammer. In the bowler hat in the center.

10. Pot - on the left on the ground. We put it on a stand in the center.

On the cube, press the buttons: 1, 1, 3-3-3, 2-2. Let's get the rune.

R. We look into the cave on the left, take the seal-projector (1/2).

ST. We approach the wall, insert 2 runes, from bottom to top in the center.

U. Ladders will appear, climb the mountain above the wall.

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4.4. death peak
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

Secret. Top right in the snow ghost trail (17/30).

Secret. In the center on the second step lies icicle (6/8).

V. On the top left, inspect the crystal branch, knock it down with a pickaxe. The branch will fall off. Use the empty bag to get the wood crystal.

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W. Take left manuscript (12/13), drill

X. On the right, melt the ice with a torch, get the projector seal (2/2).

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Y. We go to the giant's parking lot. On the top of the skull we put 2 seals on the sides.

Z. We direct the lens down, the image in the center will appear on the pyramid.

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A. Branded puzzle of the entire series. It is necessary to rearrange the elements on 2 disks, for this the elements can be shifted to the side dead ends. We focus on the upper large ax, rearrange the elements in places, return to the ax again to see what is already standing correctly. Let's start with the internal drive.

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B. Get the riddle cube from the pyramid.

C. Maaron will come to us, send us to Darkwood. We'll get the key.

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D. Go to Maaron's hut, open the cabinet on the left above the table. Inside there will be a board on a rope.

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E. We go to the store. On the left, use the rope on the well, let's go down.

F. At the bottom we find a stick, insert the stick into the drill. We drill 3 holes, punch with a pickaxe. Take out the box from the ice. Inside 43 coins, Maaron's casket.

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G. Open the spell book, select the page "emergence".

H. We put the casket, draw a spell, a runestone will appear inside.

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IJ. We leave, to the left of the hut we insert the rune, we go into the portal.

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Chapter 5. Darkshire

5.1. thicket
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. Bottom right, grows under a tree ghostly flower (18/30).

Secret. On the right tree, on the left branch sits owl (4/8).

K. There is a cobweb on the left in the hollow, cut it with a dagger, take the cones.

L. On the right, a hand sticks out of the ground, we approach. Let's fall into the trap.

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M. In the pit we take an arrow, insert it into the crossbow. From the neck we take part of the key.

N. From the crossbow we shoot at the tree from above, we get out of the pit. Move on.

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5.2. old ontus
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. To the right near the green stone grows ghost green (19/30).

Secret. Sitting on the left at medium height owl (5/8).

O. To the right of the altar is the 3rd rune.

P. Take the nail puller on the central altar. We put a wood crystal.

Q. The tree will come to life, take part of the key from it.

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R. Inside the Gorge, be sure to look at the clue to the cube.

S. Examine the cube in inventory, add a round part to it. On the cube, you need to rotate all the corner elements so that they converge with the pattern: bows on the left, Scandinavian patterns on the right, straight lines on top. Let's get a round part from the cube.

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T. Insert the cube piece into the right door. Solving the puzzle:

UV. A complex hieroglyph is marked on the edge. We need to mark in the center what 3 simple parts it consists of. We repeat 8 times. To achieve, you need to complete in less than 1 minute.

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Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell - Walkthrough 100% (102)

5.3. lonely rock
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide

Secret. Bottom left, among the purple ones ghostly flower (20/30).

Secret. Top center, hanging on the edge of a branch mitten (4/7).

W. On the left we cut the branch with a dagger, we get a long stick.

X. In the center of the barrel, open it with a nail puller, take the nails, flags.

Y. Use the stick and red flags on the swamp ahead.

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Z. In the swamp, check the depth of each cell with a stick. The normal path will be flagged. Gradually we will find a ford through the swamp.

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A. On the left, inspect the destroyed bridge ahead, take the boards, the 4th rune. In inventory, examine the boards, add nails, hammer them. Get a crossing.

B. We put the wooden crossing forward, we can go into the cave.

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C. Let's fall off the bridge, but someone will save us. Let's wake up in the cave.

D. Talk to the goblin Krikar.

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5.4. goblin cave
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

Secret. In the lower right corner, under the stairs ghostly glove (21/30).

Secret. Top in the center, hanging under the rock icicle (7/8).

E. On the top left, remove the hook from the cliff.

FG. We examine the table, take the rods. We insert them under the stairs on the right.

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H. We go up the stairs, we are looking for 10 items there:

1. Bucket - top right, on a rock. Apply to the barrel on the right.

2. Sword - in a fire, you need a bucket of water. On the fabric inside the lattice.

3. Symbol of an owl - inside the lattice, you need a key, a sword. On the chest in the center.

4. The key is in the post, a board, a hint. Enter: tentacles, eye, circles.

5. Hammer - a handle behind a pillar, between rocks. We break the rock behind the fire.

6. Bucket of water - bucket on top, water on the right. Extinguish the fire in the center.

7. Brush - in the rock behind the fire, you need a hammer. On the rock on the top left.

8. Handle - behind a pillar with planks, on the right. On a hammer between the rocks.

9. Lizard symbol - on the right side of the barrel. On the chest in the center.

10. Plank - on a stone chest. On the pole on the left.

After collecting everything and opening the chest, take Krikar's belt.

I. Give the goblin his tools. He will come with us. Let's take a drawing.

J. Under the left rock we remove the skins, under them a garden shovel.

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K. We go out to the swamp, throw cones at the bird, it will drop the thing into the water.

L. At the bottom of the water we use the hook, we get the medallion.

M. We go to the forest thicket. With a spatula we dig out a mound, there are 6 coins in it.

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N. We go to the fork, to the left of the tree we use the drawing on the door.

O. We need to collect the patterns as in the picture. First, we put them in their places, and then we look at which parts should be on the bottom and which ones on top. Take out the top pieces and put them back on. Let's open the doors.

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5.5. misty lake
Lost Lands 5

Secret. In the center, on the right side of the lake ghost chest (22/30).

Secret. Top right, above the bell sits owl (6/8).

P. On the right we get a hedgehog from the trap, under it is a note about pendants.

Q. We strike the bell, a dark boatman will sail to this signal.

R. The boatman needs to pay 50 coins (if not enough, dig in the Thicket).

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5.6. fairy glade
Lost Lands 5. What to draw

Secret. Near the lower left stairs, on the left ghost hook (23/30).

Secret. On the left under the upper stairs hangs icicle (8/8).

S. In the center of the hall hangs the base of the instrument.

T. On the top right in front of the door is a treble clef.

U. We insert the key into the stone recess from below, we get a set of tubes.

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V. We examine the note in the inventory, add to it the base of the tool and a set of tubes. Only 6 tubes need to be hung on the base, as in the figure. 4 tubes will remain on the left. Photo solution. Let's get a musical instrument.

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W. We weigh the tool in its original place. All flowers will bloom.

X. Fairy Flylin will give us a small book of fairies.

Y. On the left, she will show us the bark of a tree, it needs to be cured of moss.

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Z. We go down, inspect the pole on the lake, lower the rope with a hook. A bird sits at the top of the mast, take the handle of the medallion. Add it to the part of the medallion, you get the key.

A. In the goblin's cave, use the composite key on the chest. Get a leather bag. We examine all the pockets on the bag, inside we will find 70 coins, a magnifying glass, tweezers.

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B. Open the book, select the spell "Increase".

C. We put the fairy book on the table, draw a star above it with a wand. We open the book, inside we will find a note about bugs, a key.

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D. The key from the book must be reduced back. Select "Reduce".

E. Put the key on the table, draw a symbol over it.

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F. On the table we use a magnifying glass and tweezers, we get a small key.

G. We go to the store, for 55 coins we buy a jar of bugs.

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H. In the clearing of fairies, on the left we release beetles on the bark, they will destroy the moss.

I. The carrier pigeon will throw off Maaron's message and the portal stone.

We speak with the fairy, she will go with us and give us a sleepy flower.

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J. On the lake, at the top we put a flower in a nest, the bird will fall asleep. We take the chest. We examine it, use a magnifying glass and a small key. Get an open chest with pollen.

K. We go to the very beginning, to the Ancient portal. We insert the rune into the recess on the left, sprinkle with pollen. Through the portal we will move to the real world.

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Chapter 6. Museum

6.1. Museum courtyard
Lost Lands 5. Where to find

Secret. Bottom left, in front of the bench ghost snail (24/30).

Secret. Top left, sitting on the railing owl (7/8).

L. On the bench we read a newspaper, next we take a paper clip.

M. On the right, break open the shield with a paper clip. We take a light bulb, crowbar.

N. Climb up the ladder, change the light bulb.

OP. We examine the window with bars. We tear off the grate with a crowbar, we enter.

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6.2. Archive
Lost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description

Q. Inside the building, on the left, press the switch, there will be light.

Secret. In a cabinet on the lower shelves ghost film (25/30).

Secret. Bottom center, to the left of the lockers are mittens (5/7).

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R. Ventilation hatch on the left. We insert the dagger to stop the fan.

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S. The fairy will fly into the ventilation. You need to get her to the exit. Let's open the doors.

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6.3. First floor
Lost Lands 5. All Secrets

T. Top in the center of the security camera, point to it, the goblin will shoot.

Secret. On the left wall, between the doors ghost pattern (26/30).

Secret. On the high door on top is green stained glass (6/7).

U. We go forward, take the rune from the shelf.

V. Ahead on the wall we inspect the floor plan, move it, take the key.

W. Use the key to open the small door on the left.

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6.4. Security room
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

X. The video camera hangs from the top right above the clock, we indicate it.

YZ. We shift the office chair to the center, from it we get to the light bulb cord.

Secret. Top left, center shelf ghost book (27/30).

Secret. Top left, on top of the hanging cabinets are mittens (6/7).

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A. There are 10 items to find on the table on the left:

1. Screwdriver - on the right side of the table, inside the folder. On a glass shelf.

2. Stationery knife - you need a blade. Cut off the wire of the kettle.

3. Part of the drawing is on the table in the center. On the board on top, arrange the drawings.

4. Marker - on the table in the center. To rewrite the finished result.

5. Plug with wire - at the kettle, cut off with a knife. On the wire to the right.

6. Blade - top center, behind the stickers. We insert into a clerical knife.

7. Lamp - on a shelf with glass, you need a screwdriver handle. We put it on the table.

8. The key is in the left socket, you need a drawing. On a glass shelf.

9. Insulating tape - top right on the top shelf. On the wire and plug on the right.

10. Pen - top right on a shelf with glass. On a glass shelf.

Having collected everything, we will see the password on the board: 4852. We take a piece of paper with a code.

B. We examine the safe in the center, use a piece of paper, enter the password. Inside is a mint candy, a dollar. We listen to the records on the phone, find out the date.

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C. Open the locker in the top center, take the key 23.

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D. We go down to the archive. Use the key to open the box, inside the fuses.

E. On the shelves we take the central red folder, read the report, disk.

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F. We go outside, search the trash in the bin, find a ticket.

G. We insert the fuses into the shield on the right, we solve the puzzle.

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H. It is necessary that in three rows there is the same amount on the fuses. Solution: 20+5+5, 10+10+10, 10+5+15. Press the 3 switches on the right. Let's power up the elevator.

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I. On the 1st floor, press the elevator button, inside we select the 2nd floor. If it doesn't work out, in the corridor we examine the floor plan, we will see where the exhibition is.

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6.5. Third floor
Lost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the game step by step

J. Video camera on the top left, turn it off.

Secret. Bottom right, under the curtain lies ghostly fan (28/30).

Secret. Above, on the right side of the glass ceiling sits owl (8/8).

K. On the left is a vending machine, turn it on. Insert dollar. We straighten the bill, insert it again. We'll buy soda.

We examine the bottle, unhook the chewing gum, open it, chew it. Open the bottle, insert the chewing gum into the cap. Add mint candy, unfold, insert into chewing gum. We twist the bottle, you get a sweet bomb.

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L. Take the rune on the right. Rear window does not open. On the right we take the curtain, put it on the handle, hit it with a hammer, get out onto the balcony.

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M. Outside the window, take the wrench, put it on the bolt. Below is a policeman, we throw off a sweet bomb for him, he will leave. We unscrew the bolt, take the steel board. We return.

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N. We put a board in front to pass over the cliff.

O. Further on the way there is a turnstile, we insert a ticket into it.

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P. We will see that the hall is guarded by laser protection. You need to turn it off.

Q. You need to run to the red button on the right without hitting the laser beams. We wait until the laser on the way is temporarily turned off, we run further. We repeat 4 times.

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6.6. Showroom
Lost Lands 5

R. Video camera on the top left, above the door, turn it off.

Secret. On the right, in the center of the wall hangs ghost picture (29/30).

Secret. On the left wall, on a large picture hang mittens (7/7).

S. In the center we take a frosty horn.

T. On the right side of the floor, someone dropped a key card.

U. Open the suitcase on the bench on the left, take the forensic science kit.

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V. We go to the security room. We apply a set of forensic scientists to the keyboard, we will see fingerprints. Enter the fingerprint code: 9-4-3. Open the drive from below, remove the disk, insert your disk. On the video we will see a combination for the horn.

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wx. We go to the archive, on the right with a card we open the grate, in the box there is a rune.

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Y. We return to the Wall. We take the rune. We insert all the collected runes.

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Z. A ghost blade will appear in front of the wall.

A. We rise to the peak, cut off the horn with a blade.

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B. We go to the Temple, we speak with the priest.

C. On the left table, look into the Prophetic Ball, we will see a hint for the door.

D. We go back, in the tomb we inspect the left door, enter the password:

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E. Arrange the stones as seen in the ball. Solution: CAAEE.

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6.7. Shop
Lost Lands 5. Endgame

Secret. Top right, between the tanks lies ghost box (30/30).

Secret. Top left, middle tube stained glass (7/7).

F. Right on a stone stand manuscript (13/13), key.

G. In the center of the furnace, light it with a torch. Pour coins on top.

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H. The room will rise, open it with the horned key.

I. Inside the room you need to find 10 items:

1. Red-hot symbol - take from below with pincers. In a bucket of water.

2. Metal symbol 1 - cast off, cool in water. On the chest.

3. Ingot of metal - in the center on the chest. To the furnace on the left, into the crucible.

4. Hot metal - crucible, metal, into the furnace. We put it on the floor in the center.

5. Lever - on the left in the furnace. We insert into the press on the right.

6. Ticks - near a bucket of water. Down on the cast hot chip.

7. Part of the note - below the tile, you need a chisel. Above the chest.

8. Chisel - near a bucket of water. On the floor in the center, raise the tile.

9. Metal symbol 2 - on the right in the press, you need a lever. To the chest.

10. Crucible - on the right near the press. We put in the oven on the left, add metal.

On the chest we place 6 Vikings in their places, we will get the crystals.

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J. Open the top door, insert the yellow crystals.

K. You need to hang a frosty horn and a horn blank on the left and right.

L. On the right horn we put on a ring from above and a whistle from below.

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M. On the right horn, you need to put on all the rims with crystals, from top to bottom. The rest need to be temporarily moved. Solution:

(BC) - (BD) - (AB) - (AD) - (CA) - (CD) - (BD) - (AD).

Get a fire horn.

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N. We return to the museum, put the fiery horn on the stand.

O. Press 4 buttons, as in the video: ADCB.

It remains to blow the horn, but after that we will die. At the last moment, Folnur will appear and blow for us. And the police will catch us. A fire golem will appear in the Lost Lands, they will meet with a frost golem, and they will self-destruct on contact.

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Bonus Chapter

1. Ruins of the Stronghold
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

A few years ago, after the adventure with the wanderer (in the 4th part of the game), we sat with the old man Maaron and Korko the beaver. The wizard told how he survived after defeating the Black Riders (in the 2nd part of the game). Let's see this story in the role of the dwarf Folnur.

Secret. Top right, on the edge of the balcony lies a golden figurine (1/12).

A. Take your hammer from the bottom center.

B. We take sickle, clover from Maaron's bag.

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C. On the top left, cut off the red fabric with a sickle, we get a shred.

D. On the right, the statue holds a mortar. We put clover in it, grind it. We move the statue, after it we break through the stone wall with a hammer.

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E. Mortar with ointment is used on the wounded Maaron. We bandage the wound with a patch, we take the body of Maaron. We leave.

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2. Peasant estate
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. Walkthrough

Secret. From the horse, to the left below in the grass lies figurine (2/12).

F. Right in front of the horse take the basket.

G. On the left, remove the door and boards, find the key.

H. Ahead, use the key to open the barn.

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I. Inside the barn you need to find 10 items:

1. Ladder - from above, cut with an oblique. We put it up in the center.

2. Hammer - lies on the workbench. Apply to the wheel on the left.

3. Scythe - collect on a workbench. On the hanging ladder above the workbench.

4. Handle - on the left in the wheel, you need a hammer. To the round puzzle on the right.

5. The key is to the right of the circle, we solve the puzzle. Apply to the hatch below.

6. Handle - below the hatch, you need a key. On a workbench in a vise.

7. Scythe blade - below the workbench. In a stick on a workbench, you need a handle.

8. Ax - upstairs, you need a ladder. Apply under the hatch, on the roots.

9. Figurine - on the left near the wheel. On the chest under the hatch.

10. Triangular key - inside the chest under the hatch. On top of the shield.

Having collected everything, we will remove the fruit picker from the top of the fire shield.

J. On the right of the apple tree, use the fruit picker and the basket.

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K. Move all the branches apart to find 18 apples. We take a basket of apples.

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L. We put the basket in front of the horse, it will come out.

M. We put Maaron on it. Let's go up the mountain.

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3. Court of Maaron
Lost Lands 5: Ice Spell. guide

Secret. To the right on the stump lies figurine (3/12).

N. Maaron needs to be delivered to the druids. He will lie down in the cart, hand over the key.

O. Use the key to unlock the door to Maaorn's house.

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4. Maaron's hut
Lost Lands 5. Bonus

Secret. Up ahead on the fireplace figurine (4/12).

P. On the left from the table we take the burner.

Q. On the right side of the chest you need to solve a puzzle.

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R. Rotate the two disks and arrange the elements so that they match the drawings around. Solution:

A-Sx6-B, A-Sx3-B, A-Sx4-B, A-Sx5-B, A-Sx2-B,

Ax2-Dx3-B, Ax7-Dx6-B, Dx2-B, Dx5-B, Dx4-B, Dx2-B,

Dx7-B, S-B, Dx2-B, Dx7-B, S-B, S-B, Dx7-B, Dx4.

After completion, we will get fasteners from the chest.

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5. Battlefield
Lost Lands 5

S. On the street, we use a burner and fasteners on the cart. Let's go on the road.

Secret. Bottom right, hidden under the ballista in the grass figurine (5/12).

T. At the bottom of the sickle we cut the sleep-grass. Let's go to the fortress.

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6. Fort

Secret. Top left, on the corner of the fortress wall stands figurine (6/12).

U. In the center of the square is a bag feeder.

V. On the left we pick up the cart, under it we will see a hatch with two locks.

W. At the entrance to the tower, we take out the ax from the body. We go inside.

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7. Tower
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

X. Inside we will meet a detachment of orcs. All weapons will be taken from us, but they will leave us alive if we can unlock the mechanism in the center of the fort.

Secret. Hidden under the right bench figurine (7/12).

Y. On the top right, behind the red cloth, remove the bucket.

Z. On the left we examine the cores, put the cart, load the cart with the cores.

A. On the right, use the bucket on the barrel, get a bucket of water.

B. We examine the table, take a piece of code.

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C. Back to the horse. Place a feeder under the bag. We cut the bag with a sickle, we get a feeder with grain. Add a bowl of water to it.

D. We give the feeder with porridge to the horse.

E. On the right near the catapult we put the cart, charge it and shoot.

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F. From the hands of the fallen statue we take the key. You need to make a 2nd copy.

G. Go to the Tower, put the key on the table, draw a blueprint.

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H. In the fort we go to the right, inside the forge we are looking for 10 items:

I. On the table, you need to place blocks around the drawn cross.

1. Hammer - bottom left on the anvil. On the box on the right, we will knock out the lock.

2. Molten metal - in the furnace you need a ladle and metal. On the table, in the cross.

3. Ingot of metal - on the right in a box with coal. We put it in a ladle on the stove.

4. Bucket - on the table on the right. We put near the right box, we fall asleep coal.

5. Pincers - a bar in the lower oven, we take it out with pincers. In a vice, in a cross.

6. Ladle - we examine the furnace on the left, on the barrel on the right. We put in the oven.

7. Metal bar - on the table. We throw it into the oven, into the fire from below.

8. Handle - on the left in front of the oven. On the table, in the vice on the left.

9. Bucket of coal - a bucket on the table, coal in a box on the right. To the oven on the left.

10. Steel - on the right side of the crate. We set fire to the coal in the furnace, inflate it with furs.

After completing all the steps, we get the detail of the mechanism.

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J. In the center of the fort on the hatch in the ground we use 2 keys.

K. There is a puzzle under the hatch. We put a sheet with a code, enter it.

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L. Another puzzle: turn 6 gears so that the highlighted symbols on adjacent parts match.

M. A goblin guards the entrance below. We combine meat and sleep-grass, give it to him.

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8. Entrance to the treasury
Lost Lands 5. Walkthrough of the puzzle

Secret. On the left between the columns stands figurine (8/12).

N. We examine the sleeping goblin, remove the key from the neck.

O. On the left, use the key to open the chest, inside the door knocker.

P. We go to the doors ahead, insert the hammer, knock.

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Q. On the doors you need to assemble a round puzzle by colors. When we're done, the orcs will take the reward for themselves, and they will let us take the weapon and give the key.

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R. We go to the Tower, pick up our hammer, axe.

S. In the courtyard of the fort, use the key to unlock the gate. Let's go further.

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9. River near the tract
Lost Lands 5. How to get through

Secret. Near the lower left stairs, on the left ghost hook (23/30).

Secret. To the left of the dead horse, in the stones lies figurine (9/12).

T. Examine the pointer on the top right, take the axe.

U. In the center with an ax we chop off the boards of the cart. Let's take her to the water.

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V. We inspect the cart, lay out extra bags from it.

W. We pick up a severed long stick near the horse.

X. Use the stick on the cart like an oar. Let's float down the river. You need to move left and right, dodging rocks in the water. To achieve it, you need to swim without errors.

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10. End of the river
Lost Lands 5. Passage of the game in pictures with a description

Secret. In the center, hidden under the dark trees figurine (10/12).

Y. Let's go ashore. On the right under the stream we take a bottle (1/5).

Z. Ahead of the thickets, we break through them with an ax. Move on.

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11. Druid Village

A. In front of the village we will meet the druid Romir. Let's get a hint from him.

Secret. Top in the center, under the crooked pillars figurine (11/12).

B. On the ground, examine the scattered things, looking for 10 items:

1. Hook with fabric - top center, fabric and hook. To the right of the bucket in the hole.

2. Secateurs - above, under the boards. On the roots on the top right, under the door.

3. Pen - in the central cabinet, you need all the books. To the right door.

4. Scrap - in the closet, behind the right door, you need a handle. On top of the staples.

5. Kettlebell - bottom right, take out of the bag. To assemble stairs.

6. Staples - on top, you need a crowbar. You need to collect the stairs on the left.

7. Long board - to the right of the cabinet, on the barrel. On the board on the left.

8. Boards - from above, you need a crowbar. You need to collect the stairs on the left.

9. Hook - take it out of the bag on the right. Add fabric at the top center.

10. Book - top right in the pit, you need a hook. On the closet, arrange.

Having done everything, we will make a staircase from the boards.

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C. During the Hidden Object Scene, there are 7 books to place in the closet.

D. On the left in the overgrown portal we will find a bottle with a mouse.

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EF. At the end of the river, on the upper part of the wall we put a ladder, we go higher.

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12. Lookout Hill
Lost Lands 5. Bonus. What to do

Secret. On the central stones, to the left of the stairs there is figurine (12/12).

G. On the left we disassemble the round stones, we will find the key.

H. A bird sits on the top left, put a bottle with a mouse in front of it. The bird will be distracted by the mouse, fly away. We will have an empty bottle (2/5).

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I. Take the bottle from the empty nest (3/5).

J. Inside the house on the chest is a bottle (4/5). We open the chest with a key made of stones, inside we take a coil of rope.

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K. By the river we collect leaves, tie with a rope. The druid will give you a bottle (5/5).

L. Use the bottles and the hint on the creek on the right.

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M. You need to fill the bottle with different amounts of water. 1 and 2 are already on the gate. Picking up the rest: 3-4-5-6-7. We'll get bottles of water.

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N. We go to the gate to the village of druids, we weigh the missing bottles.

O. On a homemade musical instrument, you need to play a melody from a hint. Solution: 4-6-1-7-3-5-2-1-4-3-2.

Let's enter the village. Druid Romir will bring the body of Maaron, he will be cured. Soon Maaron will take the place of the leader of the druids. Years later, demons will wake up on the volcano, the events of the 3rd part of the game will begin.

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Bonus game

If we collect all the secret items in the main game, then in the main menu, in the “Bonus” section, the line “Bonus game” will open. At 20 levels, you need to arrange the figures from the "Tetris" so that they fill all the free space. As a reward, we will receive an achievement.

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Achievements (21)

1. Main game (4 pieces)
Lost Lands 5. Achievements

Collected all the manuscripts of the Lost Lands.
13 pieces. All of them lie near plot items.

Fulminant (Lightning)
Completed the mini-game in less than a minute.
The easiest way to do it is on the 1st riddle.
Completed 3 mini-games in a row without using the Skip button.

Faster sound (Supersonic)
Completed the Hidden Object scene in less than 2 minutes.
Easier to do when replaying. There is a bug due to which the achievement cannot be obtained.

2. Specific places (4 pieces)
Lost Lands 5. Achievements

If it was not possible to quickly complete the puzzles during the story, then later in the main menu, in the line “Bonus”, “Mini-games”, you can turn on any of the puzzles, and go through it to achieve there.

Cleared a clearing of snow in less than 60 touches.
He ran through the forest without being caught by the ice wolves.
Collected all characters in less than 1 minute.
He went down the river, never running into the stones.
Mini game 19/19. Bonus chapter.

3. Secret items (6 pieces)
Lost Lands 5 Achievements

Collected collection of mittens.
7 pieces. Highlighted in orange text.
bird keeper (Birdkeeper)
8 pieces. Highlighted in orange text.
Ice tale (Ice-cold Fairytale)
Collected collection of icicles.
8 pieces. Highlighted in orange text.
glass master (Glassmaster)
A collection of stained glass windows.
7 pieces. Highlighted in orange text.
Detail Master (Master of Details)
Collected all ghostly objects.
30 pieces. Highlighted in orange text.
A collection of figurines of the golden horse has been assembled.
15 pieces. Bonus chapter. Highlighted in orange text.

4. Style passing (5 pieces)
Lost Lands 5. Achievements

Story lover (Story Lover)
Completed the main and bonus chapters without skipping dialogues or cutscenes.
We watch all conversations and screensavers.
Completed the main and bonus chapters without using the hint in the hidden object scenes.
We are looking for items on our own.
Mystery Lover (Puzzle Lover)
Completed the main and bonus chapters without skipping mini-games.
Messiah of light (Messiah of Light)
Completed the main and bonus chapters without using the hint.
Do not click in the lower right corner of the screen.
Completed the main chapter on hard difficulty.
Difficulty only affects item highlighting and tooltip recovery speed.

5. Bonus (2 pieces)
Lost Lands 5 Achievements

Puzzle lover (Puzzle Fan)
Collected all additional puzzles in the "Bonus" window.
Completed all levels of the additional mini-game in the "Bonus" window.
20 levels. You need to fill in the field with figures from Tetris.

Questions - answers

Lost Lands 5. What to draw?

In the book we are looking for a suitable spell, we repeat the pattern with a wand.

Lost Lands 5. How to open a cube with a handle, in a mini game?

On the hint, the sequence is drawn with an arrow, and the number of clicks is drawn with numbers. So you need to click on the corners like this: 1, 1, 3-3-3, 2-2.

Lost Lands 5. How to remove snow in a hole?

We start with snowdrifts, which are closer to the pit. At the top, we move the snowdrifts to the walls so that they do not accidentally move, but not into the corners, from there they can no longer be reached.

Lost Lands 5. How to assemble rails?

We start from the lower right corner. In this place there are two similar parts, different in length. You need to insert the short part, and then we substitute the parts with the desired bend.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.