How to Get an e‐Aadhaar Card: 11 Steps (with Pictures) (2025)

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1Applying for an Aadhaar Card

2Downloading Your E-Aadhaar Card

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Co-authored bywikiHow Staff

Last Updated: December 28, 2021References

If you’re an Indian resident, obtaining an Aadhaar number from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) carries a lot of benefits: it operates as proof of residence, makes it easier to open new bank accounts, and lets you take advantage of government subsidy programs. You can apply for an Aadhaar card through a UIDAI enrolment center, then download an e-Aadhaar card with your Aadhaar number, Enrolment ID, or Virtual ID.

Method 1

Method 1 of 2:

Applying for an Aadhaar Card

  1. 1

    Gather up all the documents you need to apply for an Aadhaar card. These include 1 proof of identity document, 1 proof of address document, 1 proof of date of birth document, and 1 proof of relationship with the head of the family document. Note that some documents, such as your driver’s license and voter ID, work as both proof of identity and proof of address.[1]

  2. 2

    Book an appointment online to visit an enrolment center near you. Go to the official UIDAI website to search for an enrolment center that’s close to your residence. Then, schedule an appointment for you to go to the center and submit your application and supporting documents.[2]


  3. 3

    Fill out and submit an enrolment form during your appointment. You can receive and fill out an enrolment form when you arrive at the enrolment center, or you can print it out ahead of time and fill it out before your appointment. Go to the UIDAI website to download and fill out the enrolment form in advance of your appointment.[3]

  4. 4

    Submit your supporting documents and biometric data as well. You’ll need to submit the supporting documents you gathered up earlier and your own biometric information when you go to turn in your enrolment form. The biometric data you submit includes a scan of your iris, your fingerprints, and a photograph of yourself.[4]

    • Your biometric information will be gathered at the enrolment center.
    • Note that applicants below the age of 5 do not need to submit their biometric data to receive an Aadhaar card.
  5. 5

    Wait to receive your card in the mail in about 3 months. After you’ve submitted your enrolment form, documentation, and biometric data, you’ll be given an acknowledgement slip that contains your Aadhaar enrolment ID. You can use this ID to check your enrolment status at the UIDAI website or download your e-Aadhaar card as you wait to receive your physical card in the mail.[5]


Method 2

Method 2 of 2:

Downloading Your E-Aadhaar Card

  1. 1

    Go to the official UIDAI website and click the “Download Aadhaar” link. This button is located in the middle of the page on the left-hand side, under the section that reads “Aadhaar Enrolment.” The URL for the website is:

  2. 2

    Select your preferred ID under the “Enter Your Personal Details” section. There will be 3 options listed at the top of the page, including “Aadhaar,” “VID,” and “Enrolment ID.” Select the option for the number you have available when you go to download your e-Aadhaar card.[6]

    • If you’ve already received your Aadhaar card in the mail, your Aadhaar number is the 12-digit number at the bottom of the card.
    • Your Enrolment ID is the 28-digit combination of the 14-digit enrolment number at the top of your Aadhaar enrolment acknowledgment slip and the 14-digit date and time stamp.
    • Your VID is a 16-digit virtual ID that is paired with your unique Aadhaar number. You can generate this ID by going to the UIDAI website and selecting “Virtual ID (VID) Generator” under “Aadhaar Services.”
  3. 3

    Enter your preferred ID number, name, pin code, and the security code. Be sure to enter your full name as it appears on your Aadhaar card or your enrolment slip. The pin code should be the area pin code for the residential address that is associated with your Aadhaar card.[7]

    • If you don’t know your area pin code, you can look it up on the India Post website using the names of the state and city district that you live in or the name of your local post office. The link to this website is:
    • The security code is a 6-digit Captcha code that is presented as a curved text image next to the input field labeled “Security Code.”
  4. 4

    Click “Request OTP” to send a one-time password to your phone. The password will be sent to the mobile number that was originally registered to your Aadhaar number and which you submitted with your enrolment application. Confirm the last 4 digits of the number when prompted and the password will be texted to you.[8]

    • Note that this password is only valid for 30 seconds.
    • If you have the m-Aadhaar app on an Android mobile device, you can opt instead to generate a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) on your phone. Click the “Yes, I have TOTP” button, then select “Request OTP.” The app will generate a TOTP that is valid for 30 seconds. Note that you can only do this on an Android device, since the m-Aadhaar app isn’t available for other operating systems.
  5. 5

    Input the 6-digit OTP and click the “Download Aadhaar” button. Type the password you received into the input field labeled “Enter OTP” before you click the download button. Once you do this, your e-Aadhaar card will be downloaded as a PDF file to your computer.[9]

    • If you used a TOTP on your Android phone instead of an OTP, you can simply click “Download Aadhaar” as soon as you’ve responded to the TOTP on your m-Aadhaar app.
  6. 6

    Use your Aadhaar card password to open the PDF file. Your password will be the first 4 letters of your name as it appears on your Aadhaar card and your Aadhaar enrolment application, along with the year you were born, written in YYYY format. Note that the first 4 letters of your name need to be entered using all capital letters.

    • For example, for a person born in 1980 named Sneha Dhiman, the password to open their PDF file would be SNEH1980.
    • Your e-Aadhaar card can be printed out as soon as you’ve downloaded it and can be used in any instance instead of the physical Aadhaar card.


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      • Make sure you have your registered mobile phone with you before you begin the process of downloading your e-Aadhaar card.


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      How to Get an e‐Aadhaar Card: 11 Steps (with Pictures) (25)

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      wikiHow Staff

      wikiHow Staff Writer

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      Co-authors: 16

      Updated: December 28, 2021


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      How to Get an e‐Aadhaar Card: 11 Steps (with Pictures) (26)


      How to Get an e‐Aadhaar Card: 11 Steps (with Pictures) (2025)


      How to get the e-Aadhaar card? ›

      e-Aadhaar is a password protected electronic copy of Aadhaar, digitally signed by UIDAI. Aadhaar Number holder can download e-Aadhaar by visiting UIDAI's MyAadhaar portal - or by using mAadhaar app for mobile phones.

      How to download Aadhaar card online from USA? ›

      Step 1 - Visit the UIDAI official website. Step 2 - Choose 'Download Aadhar' present under 'My Aadhaar.' Step 3 - Select the Enrolment ID option. Step 4 - Enter your 28-digit Enrolment ID number Enter the captcha details provided.

      How to get a PDF of Aadhaar card? ›

      To download your Aadhar card in PDF, visit the official UIDAI website, click on the "Download Aadhar" option, and enter your Aadhar number or VID along with the OTP. After verification, download the e-Aadhar PDF.

      How to download an E-Aadhaar card without OTP? ›

      Visit the UIDAI website and enter your name, gender, and date of birth (no need to enter your phone number). Check if your details are current. Enter your name, date of birth, Aadhaar number, and request number to download the e-Aadhaar. Generate a TOTP to download the e-Aadhaar instead of an OTP.

      Can I get Aadhar card online? ›

      You can download your Aadhaar yourself from myAadhaar portal. For the same, you need to have a mobile number registered with Aadhaar.

      How can I get virtual Aadhaar card? ›

      VID can also be generated by sending an SMS to the Aadhaar helpline number 1947. Resident will have to type “GVIDLast 4 digits of Aadhaar Number” and send it to 1947 through the registered Mobile Number.

      How to get Aadhaar card for US citizens? ›

      In order to apply for Aadhar card for NRIs, an applicant needs to provide the following documents:
      1. A valid Indian Passport is mandatory a Proof of Identity (PoI) required from NRI applicants.
      2. The following documents are also accepted by the UIDAI by NRI Aadhaar card applicants:
      3. Birth Certificate.
      4. Photo ID Proof.
      Aug 26, 2024

      Can I get Aadhar card outside India? ›

      Yes. An NRI (whether minor or adult) with a valid Indian Passport can apply for Aadhaar from any Aadhaar Enrolment Centre.

      Is Aadhaar website accessible outside India? ›

      UIDAI's official website i.e. doesn't have any such restriction and should be accessible from anywhere.

      How to get a plastic Aadhaar card online? ›

      "Aadhaar PVC Card" request can be raised by visiting the UIDAI Official Website ( or ) or mAadhaar application. Please Visit or Click on “Order Aadhaar Card” Service.

      How to unlock E-Aadhaar? ›

      Your UID will be locked successfully. To unlock UID, resident may visit UIDAI website (, select Unlock radio button, Enter Latest VID and security Code and click on send OTP or select TOTP and click on Submit.

      Is PDF of Aadhar card valid? ›

      Downloaded Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar) is, therefore, as legally valid proof of identity under Section 4(3) of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 read together with Regulation 15 (1) of the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, as printed version of Aadhaar Letter. 7.

      How to print an Aadhaar card online? ›

      You can download your Aadhaar card by visiting the official UIDAI website ( You will need to enter your Aadhaar number, receive an OTP (One Time Password) on your registered mobile number, and then use that OTP to download the PDF.

      Can Aadhaar OTP be sent to email? ›

      One-time pin based authentication: A One Time Pin (OTP), with limited time validity, is sent to the mobile number and/ or e-mail address of the Aadhaar number holder registered with the Authority, or generated by other appropriate means.

      How can I download my Aadhar card form? ›

      Visit the official website of UIDAI. Click on 'My Aadhaar' and locate 'Downloads' Click on 'Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form' Upon clicking, an Aadhaar enrolment/update form will open.

      What is the difference between Aadhaar and E-Aadhaar? ›

      1. Aadhaar is a unique identification proof for each and every citizen of India which enables or makes you the right person for availing all services and benefits as a member of this country. Whereas e-Aadhar card is a duplicate or printed Aadhaar card copy downloaded as a pdf file from its official website of UIDAI.

      Where is E Aadhaar downloaded in iPhone? ›

      E Aadhaar download
      1. Go to: Settings.
      2. Tap: [your name] (the top item)
      3. Tap: iCloud.
      4. Tap: [an item] (so that it is green)
      5. Tap: iCloud Drive (so that it is green)
      6. Access: The iCloud app on the Home Screen.
      7. Upload from there.
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      Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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      Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.