Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to Part 3 of our Walkthrough for Hogwarts Trivia Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous part, you helped Gwenog build her team, and you were surprised when Professor McGonagall joined her. You and Tonks decided to make the team better prepared for the competition.


Part 3 Summary:

  • Task 1: Compete in Round One
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Tonks what you think is the correct answer
      • Slytherin’s Sash: +5 Empathy
      • Slytherin’s Locket: +5 Courage
      • Slytherin’s Cloak: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Regroup with Team
    • Location: Three Broomsticks
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice 1: Say Tonks if you are confident in your knowledge of ghosts
      • Very confident: +5 Courage
      • Not at all confident: +5 Empathy
    • Choice 2: Answer the first question
      • Rowena Ravenclaw: +10 Knowledge
      • Helga Hufflepuff: +5 Empathy
      • Minerva McGonagall: +5 Courage
    • Choice 3: Answer the second question
      • Henry VII: +10 Courage
      • Louis XIV: +5 Empathy
      • King Tut: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Meet Gwenog Jones
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Gwenog
      • The education: +5 Knowledge
      • The adventures: +5 Courage
      • My friends: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Compete in Round Two
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Tonks what you think is the correct answer
      • 1492: +5 Empathy
      • 1937: +5 Courage
      • 1249: +5 Knowledge
  • Part 3 Rewards: 3 Gems

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Proceed to the Great Hall when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. The Professor Dumbledore will welcome everyone.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (1)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2)

The professor will present the former student team. You’ll add that when you see them all together, it’s quite an impressive group.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (3)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (4)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (5)

Then the professor will introduce your team.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (6)

He will say that both teams have had time to study up on this round’s theme, which is the Hogwarts founders. Professor Dumbledore will instruct you to write your answers on the enchanted parchment in front of you when you are ready. After collecting all the answers, he will reveal the correct answer and share the results.

After this explanation, he’ll announce that the competition started. He will explain the first theme in more detail.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (7)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (8)

To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start this task with a full energy bar.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (9)

Bonus progress actions are tied to Ben, Merula, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (10)

Tonks will say that based on your discussion, you are certain of at least three of the four artifacts. You will agree with her and say that you know that there is a Ravenclaw Diadem, a Gryffindor sword, and a Hufflepuff cup. But you seem to disagree a bit about the Slytherin artifact.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (11)

She’ll add that she knew it before you arrived, but now that the pressure is on, she’s honestly not sure. You will say that Merula said it was Slytherin’s Locket and Andre said it was Slytherin’s Cloak. Tonks will ask you what you think is the correct answer. You can reply in three ways. The correct answer is the “Slytherin’s Locket”.

This line will differ based on whether you gave the correct answer or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (13)

After that, the professor will announce himself.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (14)

You will notice that the former student team answered faster than you did. Then Professor Dumbledore will give the correct answers.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (15)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (16)

This line will differ based on whether you gave correct answers or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (17)

The Headmaster will point out that this question is worth one point and he’ll announce the score.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (18)

This line will differ based on whether you gave correct answers or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (19)

Shortly after, the Headmaster will say that round two will be worth two points, and it will take a turn towards the supernatural.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (20)

The professor will say that this question will not be easy, so he will advise you to prepare and he’ll say you’ll see each other here again when it’s time to start the second round. After that Tonks will say that you can still get this if you stay focused.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (21)

Go to the Three Broomsticks to continue the story. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. You will meet with your team.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (22)

You will say that you will have to work hard to beat the former student team. These lines will differ based on whether you gave the correct answer or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (23)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (24)

After that Tonks will say that everyone has had some experience with the ghosts of Hogwarts. This line will differ based on which adventures you have completed.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (25)

After that, Tonks will ask you a question. You can reply in two ways. These options will affect who will lead the study session. If you pick the first option, you’ll be in charge, but if you choose the second option, Merula will lead the study session.

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Tonks will say once you’ve studied the ghosts of Hogwarts, you might want to take a moment to make sure you’ve retained what you’ve learned. To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Three stars are required to pass.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (27)

One bonus progress action is tied to your character.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (28)

You will tell Tonks that after studying so much you know a lot more about Hogwarts ghosts and she will decide to test you. These lines will differ based on whether you gave the correct answer in the first round or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (29)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (30)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (31)

Tonks will want to see how you do with a few practice questions. She will ask you the first question. You can reply in three different ways. The correct answer is “Rowena Ravenclaw”.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (32)

Right after that, she will ask you a second question. You can reply in three different ways. The correct answer is ” Henry VII”.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (33)

Tonks will say that it’s almost time for the next round, which means your training should be over. These lines will differ based on whether you gave the correct answers or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (34)

You’ll say you’re going to check out the former student team and want to see how they’ve settled.

Proceed to the Clocktower Courtyard when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive you will start a conversation with Gwenog.

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You’ll inform her that you’ve been researching Hogwarts ghosts for the upcoming trivia round. You’ll also mention that you wanted to visit and check how everyone’s adjusting to being back at Hogwarts for a while.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (36)

You’ll ask her why is she thankful. She will tell you to look around and explain that the Trvia competition is not only a huge success but that former students act like they are still students and have fun thanks to you, adding that returning to Hogwarts is like returning home for them.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (37)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (38)

Gwenog will tell you that they are reminiscing about old times and she will tell you that she and Professor McGonagall were just exchanging stories, which she will want to share with you.

You will be curious to hear those stories. To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start this task with a full energy bar.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (39)

One bonus progress action is tied to your character. Slide the screen left and right to check all available actions.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (40)

You will say that listening to their old Hogwarts stories gave you a new perspective on them all. You’ll say it’s rather odd to imagine Professor McGonagall as a competitive Quidditch player, but it’s quite charming to think of young Mr. Lovegood falling in love in this very yard, and yet you can’t recall Mr. Malfoy ever expressing affection for anyone, especially the former caretaker.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (41)

She will explain that Apollyon Pringle was the guardian just before Flich and that from the stories she heard, she concluded that it was better without him. You will conclude that the former students weren’t that different from you and your friends.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (42)

She will say looking back, it’s hard to say which part of their Hogwarts experience was the most important. She will ask you what is the most important part of your Hogwarts experience for you. You can reply in three ways. This choice will not affect the story, so choose the option you like.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (43)

After that Gwenog will say that she wanted to thank you before the next round begins. She’ll say whatever happens there, you’ve given them all another memory of Hogwarts to cherish and that they owe you. You will also thank her for sharing the stories with you.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (44)

Go to the Great Hall when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. Tonks will ask you if you are ready and say that this round could decide your fate. These lines will differ based on whether you gave the correct answers or not.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (45)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (46)

After that, the Headmaster will announce the second round.

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Professor Dumbledore will announce your current results.

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Then he will say that he believes you all came prepared and that this round is worth two points. This round will focus on the ghosts of Hogwarts.

He will add that each of your beloved ghosts led a noteworthy life, with one even serving as a courtier to a king and ultimately meeting his end due to the failure to repair the teeth of a renowned lady in waiting. After that, he will ask a question.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (49)
Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (50)

To complete the next task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start this task with a full energy bar.

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One bonus progress action is tied to your character. Don’t forget to slide the screen left and right to check all available options.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (52)

After that, Tonks will say that you are close to having all four parts of the answer.

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Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (54)

Tonks will ask you what year Headless Nick was near-execution. You can reply in three different ways. The correct answer is “1492”.

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This line will differ depending on which answer you gave.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (56)

The professor will say that he got the answer from the current student team, but he is still waiting for the former student team.

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Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (58)

Your team and you will agree that former students are not as confident now as they did in the last round. Soon the Headmaster will speak.

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Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (60)

This line will differ based on your answer.

Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (61)

The professor will then tell the details about the third round. This line will differ based on your results.

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Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (63)

The professor will say that given the importance of this last round, he will need a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. He will invite both teams to meet him in the courtyard as soon as he’s ready.

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This will mark the end of Part 2 of the Hogwarts Trivia Adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your reward. You will receive 3 Gems.

This part marked the beginning of the Hogwarts Trivia Contest, your team and you worked hard to prepare for this contest. What will happen next? Who will win this competition? Who will be better, former or current students? You will find out in the last part. Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading.

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Hogwarts Trivia Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.