Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (2025)

Phone numbers have come a long way since Glenn Miller’s famous song “Pennsylvania 6-5000” immortalized the phone number for the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City.

These days, it’s hard to believe that “Pennsylvania 6-5000” is even a phone number at all.

Instead of a combination of letters and numbers, phone numbers in the United States today are seven-digit numbers.

At the start of every phone number, though, comes a three-digit area code.

These codes can be used, in most cases, to find out where someone is calling from.

But what do you do when you’re faced with an area code that has no area associated with it?

What does area code 855 mean?

Most area codes are tied to a specific city. Area code 855, however, is different. Rather than being tied to a specific city, 855 is a toll-free area code that can be used by callers anywhere in the United States, Canada and several other countries and territories. Since there’s no way to know the caller’s location, you must use an online tool like a reverse phone book or the Somos database to find out who is calling from a phone number with an 855 area code.

What is an area code?

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (1)

If you’ve ever made or received a phone call using a cell phone, you’ve probably seen an area code.

These three-digit numbers are a type of telephone numbering plan used by telecommunications infrastructure experts to route phone traffic. In short, because there are only so many unique number combinations, an additional three numbers are added to the front of local phone numbers to make sure your call goes to phone number 123-4567 in Oregon, as opposed to 123-4567 in Toronto.

Area codes in most North American countries and territories today use the NANP, or North American Numbering Plan, a three-digit number introduced by AT&T in the 1940s as a replacement for numerous local numbering systems.

Most area codes are tied to specific geographic areas (hence the name ‘area’ code), such as cities, counties or parts of large cities.

This means you can usually guess where someone is calling you from by figuring out their area code.

However, not all area codes are tied to specific places. Some, like 800 and 855, are used as special prefixes.


202 – Washington, D.C. (will be replaced by 771 in November of 2021)506 – New Brunswick, Canada

503 – Most parts of northwestern Oregon, including Portland

800 – Toll-free telephone service

855 – Toll-free telephone service

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (2)

Area Code 855 in more detail

The 855 number is one of those special cases where the area code doesn’t relate to a specific place. Instead, it’s one example of what is known as a “toll free” area code.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, there are seven different toll free numbers: 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 and 888.

Companies and individuals can pay for the ability to use these toll free numbers and avoid forcing their customers to pay long distance fees when calling them from another part of North America.

Long distance fees can add up quickly, and if you’re a large corporation that needs to be contacted by customers around the country, it’s best to get a toll free number.

However, individual people can also purchase access to toll free numbers like those that begin with 855.

Although the FCC oversees the process of acquiring these numbers in the United States, actual purchases are made through what the FCC calls “RespOrgs” (“Responsible Organizations”), all of which coordinate their efforts through the toll-free phone number administrator Somos.

In short, then, all you can tell from an 855 area code is that an organization or individual has purchased a toll free phone number to use when making calls.

You can’t figure out what part of the country they’re calling from based on the area code.



This is a fictional phone number beginning with the toll free code 855.


This toll free number is used by video streaming service Hulu for various promotions. The letters can be converted to numbers by looking at the number pad of most phones.

The number one at the start of the phone number is used when dialing long-distance to ensure that you reach the correct country. In this case, the United States or Canada.

How can I find out who’s calling me from an 855 number?

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (3)

Unlike with most area codes, an 855 number can come from any geographical location within countries that use the North American Numbering Plan.

However, there are several ways you can try to figure out who is calling you, at least if the phone call is legitimate.

Google it

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (4)

The quickest way to find out what a phone number is for is to call upon Google (pun intended).

Just type in the phone number you’re looking for and hit that search button. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a direct result that shows you the name of the company or person dialing from an 855 number.

While it’s the easiest, this method is also the least likely to succeed.

A lot of 855 numbers may be unlisted, and so many people use this method that there are tons of websites which basically just use random phone numbers as a way to drive search traffic to their web pages so they can collect advertising revenue.

Still, it’s so low-effort that it’s worth a shot!

Reverse phone books

In a regular phone book, you can find out somebody’s phone number by looking up their name. You can use this method for companies too.

While phone books aren’t as ubiquitous as they used to be, there are now online alternatives which provide the same service more reliably.

Even better, some of these sites offer what’s called a ‘reverse’ feature. In a reverse phone book, you can enter a phone number and see who it belongs to.

Unfortunately, many websites that pretend to be reverse phone books are really just random lists of phone numbers with ads on the side that earn the owners money. Legitimate services typically cost money to use.

Search in the Somos database

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (5)

The most accurate method to identify a phone number with an 855 area code is also the most time-consuming.

As the administrator of toll-free phone numbers, Somos maintains a searchable database of 855 numbers.

Even though anyone can search the database, information about the owners of 855 numbers is not available online for privacy reasons.

However, Somos will give you the name and phone number of the RespOrg that provides the specific number you look up to a customer.

If you’re getting harassing phone calls from the same 855 number, calling the organization that provides the spam caller with their phone number could get them in trouble and potentially get their phone number taken away.

Spam calls are illegal in the United States, and the RespOrgs are charged with making sure their customers follow the rules.

If you search for a number and the database tells you nobody owns that number, then you’ve learned something else: you’re dealing with a spam caller who’s spoofing your caller ID.

Scammers and spoofed caller IDs

Modern scammers will often ‘spoof’ legitimate phone numbers. This FCC update from 2016 describes the scope of the problem, where spammers use special software to hide their real phone number behind a randomly generated one.

What this means is that even if you are getting spam calls from a specific 855 number repeatedly, blocking that number might not help.

If the person calling is not the real owner of the number they were using, they can just switch to a new number and continue harassing you.

This is important to remember if you are getting harassing calls. Tempting as it might be to call the number back and get angry, you might not even be getting mad at the right person.

Contacting the FCC at the blog post above to report the call might help in the long term, but in the short term you just have to play whack-a-mole with the spam caller until they get bored or move on.

Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means (2025)


Area Code 855: Here's What It Really Means? ›

Where is Area Code 855 Located? Unlike most local area codes

area codes
The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is a telephone numbering plan for twenty-five regions in twenty countries, primarily in North America and the Caribbean. › North_American_Numbering_Plan
, the 855 area code does not refer to a specific location. Instead, it is a non-geographic area code prefix used for toll-free calls. It is the same as a 1-800 number—the oldest and most common toll-free number.

What is 855 trying to tell me? ›

An 855 area code number is a type of toll-free number used in North America. Rather than being tied to a particular location, these numbers serve anywhere in the NANP (North American Numbering Plan), which includes the USA, Canada, Bermuda, and certain islands in the Caribbean.

What happens if I answer an 855 number? ›

What Area Code is 855? The 855 area code is location agnostic, which means it does not belong to a specific location. It is a toll-free number allowing people to call you at no charge. As it's a non-geographic area code prefix, it won't hold your non-local callers back from dialing your number.

Who owns 855 numbers? ›

Toll free numbers are owned by you. A carrier doesn't own it, and it can be transferred to the telecomm services you like. Professionalism. These numbers make a business look polished, even if you're running the show from a home office.

What is 855 used for? ›

An 855 number is a toll-free number, meaning it's free for callers to dial. No matter the distance, your leads, clients, and other stakeholders can speak with you in real-time without worrying about the cost.

Who is calling from 855? ›

Who uses 855 area code phone numbers? 855 area code phone numbers are typically used by businesses to receive calls for their customer service departments, sales, and marketing. Businesses choose to use 855 toll-free numbers because their customers can call them for free of cost and they are easy to remember as well.

Why do 855 numbers keep calling me? ›

You may get calls from the 855 area code for various reasons. The 855 toll-free number is a pre-fix used by many legitimate businesses. Like any other phone number, it can also be used by spammers and scam operations who mass distribute robo calls or use deceptive practices.

What state is area code 855 located in? ›

Phone numbers beginning with an (855) area code belong to a class of phone numbers called “toll-free numbers” — they aren't tied to a geographical area in the same way that (212) is associated with the New York City borough of Manhattan.

How do I stop 855 calls? ›

The National Do Not Call Registry protects landline and wireless phone numbers. You can register your numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry at no cost by calling 1-888-382- 1222 (voice) or 1-866-290-4236 (TTY). You must call from the phone number you wish to register.

Will I get charged for calling an 855 number? ›

Fortunately the 855 area code is toll-free through and through. Like its counterparts such as 800, 888, and 877, an 855 number means the caller incurs no charges. Rather the recipient of the call (i.e., the business or organization) covers the costs themselves.

Which country owns 855? ›

855 is a toll-free area code used in the North American region including in the USA and Canada. The number is set up by FCC (Federal Communications Commission) as per the NANP or North America Numbering Plan.

Is 855 707 7328 legit? ›

What is "Spectrum, 855-707-7328"? Spectrum, also known as Charter Communications Inc., is an American telecommunications and mass media company. The company was founded in 1993. It offers a variety of retail products including cable television, broadband internet, and voice services.

What is 855 code of? ›

Cambodia (country code +855)

Can I call an 855 number? ›

Yes, toll-free numbers are the same in the US and Canada. Toll-free phone numbers (the ones with 800, 855, 877 extensions) are numbers users can call without getting charged. The toll-free numbers normally come with area code prefixes such as 800, 855, 888, etc.

How can I find out who called me for free? ›

  1. Spokeo. Spokeo distinguishes itself as a leading tool for identifying the origins of unknown phone calls. ...
  2. Social Catfish. ...
  3. PeopleLooker. ...
  4. Searqle. ...
  5. TruthFinder. ...
  6. Instant Checkmate. ...
  7. PeopleFinders. ...
  8. Truecaller.
Jun 4, 2024

What does the angel number 855 mean for twin flames? ›

Seeing 855 may indicate that you are approaching a period of significant change and growth in your twin flame journey. This number encourages you to embrace the transformative process, trust the journey, and maintain faith that these changes are leading you to a deeper connection with your twin flame.

What time zone is the 855 area code in? ›

Note: Toll-free area codes of the North American Dialing Plan (800, 844, 855, 866, 877, and 888) are associated with the America/New_York time zone.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.